World five thousand years, this is a knowledge and interest of both popular history books.
世界上下五千年,這是一部知識性與趣味性並重的通俗歷史讀物。它以世界範圍內的人類歷史為主幹,通過一個個妙趣橫生的小故事,生動、簡潔地描繪了五千年來的古國文明、社會變遷、戰爭風雲、名人軼事與地理發現。本書以世界範圍內人類文明的發展歷史為線索,全書涉及到五千年來各古國的興盛與衰亡、輝煌與悲愴的社會變遷、政治經濟、歷史風雲人物、科學與技術進步等多個方面。用妙趣橫生的小故事和精美的圖片,讓各位讀者徜徉與世界歷史的長廊,瞭解世界、豐富知識、開闊心胸、拓展視野、提高人文修養。應用特色:1、 日間/夜間模式隨意切換;2、 歷史故事標題以清單顯示,快速定位;3、 “上一篇”、“下一篇”按鈕快速導航;4、 字體大小設置;5、 一鍵分享到微信、Line、Kakao等社交網路。World five thousand years, which is a popular both informative and interesting history books. It is in the history of mankind worldwide backbone through one fun little story, vivid, concise picture of the five thousand years of ancient civilization, and social change, the war situation, Mingrenyishi and geographic discovery.This book is the history of human civilization in the world for clues, the book relates to many aspects of social change, political economy, history, man, science and technology progress five years to the rise and fall of various ancient, glorious and sorrowful. With a fun story and beautiful pictures, so you readers wander the promenade and world history, to understand the world, knowledgeable, open-minded, expand horizons and improve Humanities.Application Features:1, day / night mode switch freely;2, the historical story of the title to the list of shows that rapid positioning;3, "the one", "Next" button to quickly navigate;4, font size settings;5, a key share to micro-channel, Line, Kakao other social networks.1.添加切換字體功能。2.優化菜單快捷選擇。